What can Kindling do for you?
Debba Jenkins has developed a speciality in turnaround chairing and setting up new teams. If you have a really difficult situation, she can come in and provide stability, analyse problems, bring a team of people together, and work with you to build a practical way forward until you don’t need her. Her experience in dealing with legacy problems, transformation, and creating new organisations to improve a service might help you get out of a sticky corner.
Ivor Stolliday brings a breadth of experience in the charity sector, management, media, arts, and tourism, and specialises in thoughtful analysis and constructive brokering between project partners.
Between us, we also have a lot of experience of creating events to address particular challenges, of facilitation, and of consultation to give you proposals of how to sort things out. We are good at listening, interviewing, and writing, and we are both highly experienced chairs.

Our Kindling Strands
You might also be interested in asking us to set up a project for you which chimes with one of our Kindling Strands - ECLIPSE, Making Sense, Pointers to Partnership, Guild House, or Domesticity.
What if I don’t want to commission anything?
That’s fine. We’re also really interested in connecting and promoting the exchange of ideas around our Kindling strands. Who knows where that could lead?