Our Experience
Work has included
- ‘Pinning Down Partnership’ a series of conferences on the practicalities of complex task resolution, working principally with senior decision-makers in the health sector, including the GMC;
- ‘Making Sense’, an exploration into the strategic benefits of manual skills, supported by the Carnegie and JJ Trusts,
- a wide range of consultancy, speaking, facilitation and chairing for private, public and third sector organisations over many years, including the Centre for Ethnicity and Health at the University of Central Lancashire, South Tyneside Council, the Fondation RoI Baudoin, the development of the new Hereford University of Engineering, and a report on Stakeholder Engagement for Northern PowerGrid.
She has facilitated, chaired and spoken at events in the UN Habitat Istanbul and Copenhagen rounds of conferences, and numerous European and UK events.
She wrote ‘Partnerships and Power, Leadership and Accountability in Urban Governance’ (Comedia/Demos 1998). She wrote and is taking forward the ECLIPSE project.